About us

We are a hospitality-focused job site in Singapore to help Hotels and Restaurants find staff for their vacancies.
As we know with the Covid pandemic the world has changed, businesses have become more flexible and so too have their staff, now it is harder to find qualified and available staff quickly. 
Hence we wanted to design a site that would allow you to filter applicants based on availability, expected pay and start date upfront, to help streamline the process. It also gives you the ability to be more flexible in the approach you take to shift management and vacancies.
Introducing, Get Gig Now, feel free to register your business or as a worker, it’s quick, easy and all to support the hospitality sector.
For employee’s we know it’s also tough for you to find the perfect position, expectations have changed so we wanted to meet the market where it is at, allowing you to filter gigs based on working hours, pay and start date upfront so you can apply to only those you match with.
Think of us like Grab for jobs, we help you match with gigs to streamline the process of getting hired and help the phenomenal F&B industry get back on its feet and flourish.
Welcome to Get Gig Now. The new way of finding gigs you love.


Tel: +65 82064438

Email: info@getgignow.com

Address: Hong Lim Complex, 531A Upper Cross Street, Singapore, 051531